MISSION (What) :
  • Contribute to the development of our customers and partners through the products, innovation, advice and service of our team of experts to embellish and optimize kitchens, furniture and other storage spaces.

VISION (to where où) :
  • Be present in each of your spaces and moments of life.


Values are universal qualities which, for a given group, serve either as a reference in the judgment of conduct, or as a guide for reflection between what is desirable or not, the important and the accessory, the essential and the superfluous. We've narrowed our preferences down to the following:

  • Collaboration with openness: be available, dedicated and passionate, be a proactive collaborator and partner and always listen. Being able to take into consideration the ideas of others. In short, to be a colleague on whom you can always count and rely, thus allowing close collaborations and thereby bringing out the best in each individual.

  • Commitment with going beyond: making a personal commitment by being fully involved in the accomplishment of one's work, a key element in the development of one's full potential. Take up with flying colors every challenge that arises, with all the rigor necessary to carry out its mandate.

  • Integrity with agility: constantly questioning oneself on one's own functioning to determine its effectiveness, and to work optimally in the face of change. Act transparently, and ensure good cohesion between thoughts, words and actions.

For the sake of consistency, we want these values ??to be more than an abstract and theoretical enumeration. Without falling into cold and rigid ethics, we want them to be considered as guiding principles of a real common line of conduct guiding both our personal actions and those related to the company; that they are lived on a daily basis, in the small gestures of each one as well as in our major strategic choices. Ideally, each action taken within the company should be able to pass the filter of the four previous values ??and thus validate the working methods, the links between colleagues, the personal and professional behaviors.